Brislington Community Museum

J B & S C (Avonvale Series)

J B & S C, publishers of the Avonvale Series of postcards, is believed to be James Baker & Son, of 32-34 The Mall Clifton, Bristol.

The 1902 edition of "Kelly's Directory of Bristol" lists "Baker Jas & Son, 32&34 The Mall, Clifton" in the section for booksellers (page 356). In the 1914 edition the bookseller's section includes them as "*Baker J & Son 34 & 36 Mall, Clifton" - the asterisk indicating they also sold second hand books (page 801). Their business had clearly been thriving - the 1914 edition also includes two entries for them as stationers: wholesale "Baker J. & Son, 34 & 36 Mall; 16 Waterloo street, Clifton and 125 St Thomas street", and retail "Baker J & Son, 34 & 36 Mall, Clifton" (page 896) The 1902 doesn't list them as a stationer at all.

They produced more than 200 postcards of the Bristol area.

Brislington postcards (all in colour and in the "Avonvale Series")

These postcards have been sequenced in the order a visitor might see the sights, travelling on the Bath Road coming from Bristol, and occasionally exploring side roads.

St Anne's Wood - St. Anne's Well. Brislington. Published in print by Jones & Chown 1977, plate 63; and also in Taylor, Ken 2014, page 17. Earliest known picture: 29 Aug 1905.

Water Lane - Water Lane, Brislington. Published online at Bristol Archives. Earliest known picture: 13 Sept 1904.

Water Lane - Water Lane, Brislington. Earliest known picture: 18 Nov 1906.

West Town Lane - Old Bridge & Ford, Brislington. Variant published online at Bristol Archives. Also published in print by Jones, F C & W G Chown 1977, page 61. The same photograph was published by A W Nicholas. Earliest known picture: 24 Jan 1905.

St Luke's - Brislington Church. Published online at Bristol Archives. Earliest known picture: 14 Jan 1905.

Beese's Riverside Bar - Beese's Tea Gardens, Conham. The same photograph was published by J Gibbs. Earliest known picture: 13 June 1905.

Fox's Wood - Fox's Wood, Brislington. Published online at Bristol Archives. Printed before 3 June 1918.

Some notes

The Avonvale postcards of Brislington are notably rural if not positively rustic in theme.

Although more information is needed to be on statistically firm ground, first indications suggest the above "Old Bridge & Ford, Brislington." postcard was published by A W Nicholas (Bristol) a year or so earlier than the version in the Avonvale Series by James Baker & Son.

Only a little information is currently available to assist with dating the version of the postcard of Beese's, above, by J Gibbs (Keynsham, Somerset). Early indications though, suggest it may have been published in or around 1915, about a decade after the photograph was taken.

Ken Taylor

Regrettably we can't exhibit these postcards until either the identity of the photographer/s is known (and perhaps also the copyright status of their pictures), or we secure funds to apply for a batch of orphan works licences.