Brislington Community Museum

Harvey series

So far, only one postcard of Brislington is known that carries the identifier Harvey Series. The brand is written in a distinctive script on the front (printed with the picture itself). For the avoidance of doubt there's no similarity of style with any Harvey Barton postcards, so there's unlikely to be a connection despite the coincidence of name.

The subject of this photograph is a stream flowing down a steep slope in Fox's Wood, and it's likely this explains why our Brislington project has found no other example of the Harvey Series. The stream marks the boundary between Brislington and Keynsham, and some other evidence points toward this postcard publisher operating in that town rather than Brislington.

Brislington postcard

Fox's Wood - Fox's Wood, Brislington. Earliest known picture: 17 July 1907.

Ken Taylor

We can't exhibit this postcard until we have permission from the copyright owner, and regrettably we don't yet know who that is.